policies and procedures and umpire Handbook


The following is an overview of Safety in the Warrnambool and District Football Umpire Association.

As an Umpire, you are entitled to lodge a Workcover claim for an injury sustained during a sanctioned training session or during a game the Umpires association has appointed you to.

First and most important seek appropriate medical treatment – The Umpires Association strongly recommends all umpires have Ambulance cover.

If the injury results in an overnight admission to the hospital, Inform the hospital this is a workplace incident.  Please have yourself or a family member contact the President or Secretary/Treasurer as this is classified as a Worksafe notable event.

If the injury does not warrant hospitalisation then simply visit your local doctor at your convenience to have the injury assessed and to obtain a Certificate of Incapacity.

Remember the DOCTOR is the only key to the door of a Worksafe claim.

Please notify the Safety Officer of a pending Worksafe claim as soon as possible.

To lodge a claim you require both the Certificate of Incapacity and a completed Worker injury claim form

The Workers injury claim form can be obtained from the post office, the Worksafe office on Henna Street or you can download it from the link below.

Simply submit these two pieces of evidence to the Secretary/Treasurer or the Safety Officer for processing and then let the process take its natural course.

If you incur any medical expenses related to this claim please forward these to The Secretary-treasurer for payment.

For further information please contact the Safety Officer or read the Worksafe poster on the wall of the clubrooms.

If the injury is muscular and minor in nature please see Ernie the trainer to have it assessed.

If the injury is minor and requires first aid please access the first aid kit, and manage the injury accordingly.  For assistance please notify the Safety Officer or a member of the Committee or Coaching staff.

All injuries of any severity need to be noted in the injury register.

Keep safe.